Community Partners

Wellness is as much a priority for communities, teams, and organizations as it is for individuals. We are happy to collaborate with local and nation-wide agencies. We work with many community partners, including:

  • Workers’ Compensation Board
  • Canada Life
  • Modern Health
  • Veterans Affairs Canada
  • Environment and Climate Change Canada

If your organization is interested to work with McColl Therapy, please Contact Us to determine how we can be of help.

Collaborate for individuals, couples & families in need

Provide education & training opportunities

Consult for health and wellness program development

Engage key stakeholders for community betterment

Organizational Wellness

Our comprehensive, systems focused approach will clarify agency-specific priorities and determine strategies to see target outcomes achieved.

Productivity, life balance & mental wellness education

Organizational values, intentions & strategic planning

Team engagement, communication & conflict resolution

Critical incident debriefing

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