Addiction & Substances

The hardest battles are with oneself. Nobody asks for addiction; it hijacks one’s life. The loss of self-control is painful and isolating for everyone involved. Cravings and urges may seem impossible to resist.

Other priorities fall to the wayside as they grow. Feeling remorse, hopeless or powerless are signs we need help. When you or a loved one is struggling, this is the first step to regain control.

Typical Warning Signs

  • Preoccupation or obsession with the activity
  • Inability to stop a behavior despite consequences
  • Physical and emotional responses to withdrawal
  • Sudden change in activities or neglect
  • Social and relationships issues
  • Impulsivity or destructive behaviors

Common types of addiction:

  • Alcohol and drugs
  • Smoking
  • Internet/media use
  • Gaming
  • Gambling
  • Diet and exercise

We will help you

Manage unhelpful urges effectively

Enjoy the present with a clear mind

Practice personal care & routine

Participate in new & old interests

Restore trusted friendships

Avoid self-destructive behavior

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