Mental Illness

Mental illness or psychiatric disorder can be difficult to understand and live with. The symptoms may be rare or never stop. One’s senses, feelings or ability to reason may be distorted. This in turn changes how we interact with ourselves, other people, and our surroundings. Loss of hope and motivation can lead to isolation and inactivity. Being stuck in a pattern of suffering with mental illness is confusing, scary and sad for both individuals and loved ones.

20% of Canadians experience mental illness. 50% have one or more in their lifetime. More common kinds involve mood or anxiety disorders, as well as trauma, addiction, and psychosis. The causes and effects of mental illness vary between people, even with the same disorder. Historically viewed as untreatable, many people were subject to ignorance, misguidance and suffering. Clinical understanding and ability to help has come a long way. There is no easy fix, but with patience and effort there are treatment options. Clinical research largely agrees that medication and therapy combined is most effective to treat mental illness.

Mental Illness concerns

  • Impaired, disorganized or irrational thinking
  • Emotion dysregulation and impulsivity
  • Sudden changes in activities or interests
  • Sleep and personal care issues
  • Social and relationship issues
  • Addiction and other destructive behaviors

Mental Illness can contribute to suicide or self-harm risk. If you or someone you know requires urgent help,
please call the distress line at 780-482-4357 (Edmonton) or 1-800-232-7288 (Rural).

We will help you

Understand illness with compassion

Organize thoughts & perspectives

Learn to regulate emotion & mood states

Practice healthy habits to stay balanced

Participate in regular activities & social life

Avoid destructive impulses & behaviors

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